Joy In The Cause

Tulsa, OK

Joy In The Cause

Joy in the Cause is a non-profit 501c3 charity whose mission is to provide care, compassion, and joy one personal act of kindness at a time, helping those with life altering illness and special needs.

There's 3 ways to help bring the Joy;

  • General Donation (Click on the Donate button to the right!)
  • Individual Fundraising (Signup when you register or click the Become a Fundraiser button to the right)
  • Team Fundraising (Create or promote your team's fundraising goals when you register)

You also can help bring the JOY by starting your own fundraising page without registering for our event? It's easy! Click Become a Fundraiser below the Donate button.

That care comes in all shapes and sizes. It may be through the comfort of an unhurried conversation and visit, or therapy dog visit from Mavis Pearl. It could be receiving a care package with the gift of a house cleaning, gas, or grocery card, the payment of a bill, or receiving a stuffed personalized Mavis Pearl dog. Support looks different for every person going through a life altering illness or those facing special needs.

We’re growing many projects that will be impacted by your generous support. Our wonderful volunteers involved in The Purpose Project regularly visit and bring joy to individuals in nursing homes, military facilities, and assisted living facilities. Our largest and fastest growing effort is Joy To The Rescue. This project equips local police, fire departments, and other first responders with backpacks filled with resources to help adults and children facing a crisis or difficult situation. Another project close to our hearts is Joy InThe Adventure which encourages families to find joy in the adventure of life after losing a loved one. These projects are making a difference in the community, and we’d love to have your support!

When one member of the family faces illness, the entire family is affected.  It is our mission to help the entire family through the journey. 

The journey is very familiar to Lisa Bain

Joy in the Cause was created through the lessons she and her mother learned together through her mother’s cancer journey and her own diagnosis of two life changing autoimmune diseases. Those lessons taught Lisa how joy changes things and makes room for hope and healing. She found that laughter really is the best medicine and that miracles can definitely be found in very dark places.

Joy In The Cause……because your cause matters.

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